Customer Pay Service Rebate Announcement... 
6/3/08 - Service
Program Overview:
A unique multi-fold direct mail piece featuring three rebate offers will be sent to Nissan owners that have gone 12+ months without a dealership service visit.

Rebate Offers:
The consumer may select one, two or all three rebate offers listed below totaling $175. These offers were selected to attract the highest percentage of redemption. The average customer pay repair order during the test program was $295 in parts and labor.

• $50 rebate on the purchase and installation of a Genuine Nissan Battery
• $25 rebate on an oil and Genuine Nissan Oil Filter change
• $50 rebate on the purchase and installation of Genuine Nissan Brake Pads ($50 rebate per axle, may claim up to $100)

Offer timing:
The direct mail piece is scheduled to be in-market on June 1, 2008. The consumer has 60 days to complete their vehicle service by the end date of July 31, 2008.

Click on the link below to read the announcement.
Service Rebate Announcement

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